Tryggvi Thayer, Ph.D.
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Category Archives: ICTs
Creativity Money Love: Learning for the 21st Century
Continually increasing evidence that future thinking is being taken, or should be taken, seriously. Interesting free publication from Creative & Cultural Skills and A New Direction in the UK. We asked over 40 artists, practitioners and thinkers to address issues around … Continue reading
Symposium on the future of education
Dr. Arthur Harkins and I will be participating in a symposium on the future of education in Iceland on March 20, 2012. The symposium is hosted by the University of Iceland’s School of Education. Dr. Harkins will present on some … Continue reading
Design Jams: Create Future-Relevant Educational Contexts
Design Jams are coordinated events meant to bring together a range of skills and expertise to apply “design thinking” to specific issues. All participants are required to pre-register for events and to indicate their skills and expertise so that design … Continue reading
An excellent infographic for learners about using Google
We tend to ooh and ahh over modern youth’s remarkable ability to adapt to rapidly changing technology, but, as I’m sure anyone involved in educating young people in whatever way shape or form can attest to, a lot of them … Continue reading
Posted in Education, ICTs, Information Society, Knowledge development
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How has technology made a difference? An observant quote.
Another quote for my non-existent Quote of the Day feature (underline is mine): “To date, I am not convinced that educational technology has made much of a difference in the classroom. What has made a difference is technology used by … Continue reading
Apple’s textbook disruption a bit of a dud? Where’s the pedagogy?
Apple promised a major announcement yesterday having to do with textbooks. Turns out that what they were so excited about was their new version of the iBooks application for the iPad and a new Mac application for creating “interactive textbooks”. … Continue reading
Posted in Education, ICTs, Knowledge development, Technology foresight